Our Vision:
The vision of the Keremeos Seniors Activity Centre (KSAC) is that all seniors are able to:
Enjoy companionship of others in an inclusive, caring, supportive, safe, and affordable environment;
Participate in a variety of activities, programs, and events which support and enhance their physical, social, and intellectual well-being;
Participate in continuous learning opportunities that will enrich, inform, inspire, and;
Experience meaningful volunteering opportunities that utilize their wisdom and experience.
Our Mission:
In order to achieve our vision, our mission is to:
Provide opportunities that encourage meaningful social connections;
Offer a progression or continuum of experiences that encourage seniors to continue to participate;
Provide stimulating recreational activities, programs, and events that are meaningful to seniors, allow for self-development, and support life-long learning;
Create a welcoming and safe environment that is responsive to the needs and interests of a changing population;
Identify and reduce barriers that prevent involvement of older adults;
Encourage and facilitate opportunities for volunteering that utilize the expertise, knowledge, and wisdom of the senior population; and.
Manage a community building, and update the facility, as needed, in order to meet the changing needs and expectations of the senior community.
Executive 2024
President: Doug Speers
Past President: Gary Grimm
Vice President: John Drake
Secretary: Dorothy Haddrell
Assistant Treasurer: Judy Speers
Cards: Harvey Olender
Chair Exercise: Herma Monck
Ladies Pool: Irma DesJardins
Men's Pool: Richard Grubb & John Drake
Phoning: Jane Hodge
Sunshine & Archives: Elizabeth Leschert
Busy Fingers Craft Group: Pam Crossman
Movie Day: Judy Speers
Carpet Bowling: Alice Fletcher
Backgammon - Judy Speers
Line Dancing: Marcia Dale
Ukulele: Herma Monck
Open Mic Jam Session: Suzette DesJardins
Bingo: Marg Letcher
Dominoes: Fred & Carol Archambeault
Darts: Fred Archambeault
Kitchen: Judy Speers